Green Leaves With Red Center

Green leaves with red center
3. Red Heart Philodendron. This hybrid variety features shiny heart-shaped deep green leaves with red center and edges. The plant does best in slightly humid conditions.
What plant has red in middle of leaves?
A bromeliad usually grows on trees like an orchid in its natural habitat. However, in a home, they make great bathroom plants. The red leaves in the center are the reason people like these houseplants. These plants thrive in bright light but don't need too much direct sunlight.
What plant has maroon and green leaves?
Atlas Coleus (Solenostemon 'Atlas') is a stocky shade-tolerant foliage plant with purplish-maroon leaves splashed with a contrasting bright green center.
What plant has heart-shaped green and red leaves?
Anthuriums are cheery, exotic flowering houseplants that offer glossy, green heart-shaped leaves topped by heart-shaped pink, red, or white long-lasting blooms. Happily, anthuriums bloom almost all year long if they get enough light, fertilizer, and moisture.
What is special about a prayer plant?
This hardy indoor plant earned its common name from the fact that the leaves tend to fold together at night, like a pair of praying hands. Most types of prayer plant have variegated foliage, adding to the plant's overall interest. Prayer plant does produce flowers, but they're not large or particularly showy.
What does nightshade leaves look like?
Leaves are dark green to purple-tinged. Mid-May to September, produces star-shaped purple flowers with stamens fused in a prominent yellow cone. Flowers followed by round or egg-shaped berries that ripen from green, to orange, to bright red.
What does a Jericho plant look like?
When you purchase your Rose of Jericho, it will look like a brown, dried-up ball of moss, which is basically what it is. It does have roots, but they don't actually need to attach, so you don't need soil (it's more like hydroponics).
What does a red hot poker plant look like?
The red hot poker plant is a mouthful to say, but once you see the plant you'll understand this common name for Kniphofia. This South African native is in the lily family. It grows 2 to 5 feet tall and produces large stalks of red, orange, yellow, cream or pink colored, tubular flowers that droop like torches.
What is red aglaonema?
The Aglaonema Red Siam (Red Siam Chinese Evergreen) is a no-fuss tropical plant that displays red and pink tones in its foliage. They make a regal accent to any room where there is medium to bright, indirect light. Water this specimen regularly.
How can I identify a plant by its leaf?
Broad, wide leaves might indicate a tropical plant, while pointy pine needles may indicate an evergreen species (unless you're dealing with a broadleaf evergreen variety). Triangular leaves may indicate herbaceous plants, while thick, waxy leaves may indicate succulents.
What shrub has green leaves that turn red in spring?
Photinia. Red-tip photinia (Photinia x fraseri), a hybrid between Photinia fraseri and Photinia serrulata, bears brilliant red spring leaves. This evergreen shrub grows 9 to 12 feet tall in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 9.
What does Avens look like?
Description of avens: Avens have clumps of attractive, lobed, shiny green leaves covered with silky down on hairy stems. The plants grow to 2 feet tall and bear single flowers about 11/2 inch across. Flower colors are red, yellow, or white. They bloom in spring and summer.
What does a Hoya heart plant look like?
The Hoya kerrii is commonly called the Hoya Heart because of its green heart-shaped leaves. This single leaf cutting is a fun, whimsical way to show your plant love. It is partially rooted but does not have a node. It will stay as an adorable heart-shaped leaf for years to come.
What does a heart leaf philodendron look like?
Heartleaf philodendron has long, winding stems that can trail gracefully from a hanging basket or be trained up a support. Its three- to four-inch leaves are dark green and heart-shaped. The toughest of all house plants, the heartleaf philodendron can take just about anything other than cold temperatures.
What green plant has heart-shaped leaves?
Hoya kerrii is commonly called Hoya heart, Valentine plant, or Sweetheart plant because of its heart-shape form. Each leaf looks like a little green heart; this plant is commonly sold with one heart-shape leaf planted in a small pot.
What does a prayer plant do at night?
Native to Brazil, the prayer plant (Maranta leuconeura) is one of around four dozen Maranta species that move in a unique way: By day, its leaves are flat and open, and at night, its leaves raise up, folding like praying hands. This nightly change is called nyctinasty or nyctinastic leaf movement.
Why does my prayer plant open at night?
Called 'nyctinasty', this term refers to the diurnal response that prayer-plants possess. As light changes, this naturally built-in indicator signals the plant that it's daytime or nighttime. While there is no one cause that has proven concrete, the most promising theory is that the plant adapted to best capture water.
Should I let my prayer plant flower?
The beauty of the Maranta is in the colour and design of the leaves, but these plants do occasionally produce flowers. The flowers take a lot of energy for the plant to create, so if you see blooms appearing, remove them before they bloom, to encourage your plant to focus its energy on producing big, bright leaves.
What does belladonna look like?
Brown or brown-purple bell-shaped flowers (with four yellow stamens inside). Large berries: 1.5-2 cm in diameter (the size of a small cherry), which is green first and then turns glistening black. The berries have a green, five-lobed (sometimes with shading) "foot", which looks like a star.
What does hemlock look like?
Poison-hemlock stems have reddish or purple spots and streaks, are not hairy, and are hollow. Leaves are bright green, fern-like, finely divided, toothed on edges and have a strong musty odor when crushed. Flowers are tiny, white and arranged in small, umbrella-shaped clusters on ends of branched stems.
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